Tech Tips - Psychology of Making Music / 1336

This was brilliant thanks

Thank you for the wisdom.

Brilliant stuff, so much good knowledge, thanks for sharing!

Excellent, lots of things here resonated with me as an aspiring musician/producer and some thought-provoking refection points. Thank you!

Some very sound advice here. Liked the comments about eating well and doing exercise and meditation. I often find myself getting really inspired when I’m out running or walking and meditation really helps me to be more centred and focused.

Great stuff!


Bluffmonkey delivers. Get out of the Monkey F’ing a Football pose, and take care of yourself. I paraphrase of course, but gold.

Thank you for your wonderful advice! You are one of the best teachers on this platform!

The first video everyone should watch. Invaluable advise. Thank you.

Thanks Bluffmunkey :slight_smile:

I loved that working from left to right comment, that was actually eye opening :slight_smile:

Very nice video, I enjoyed learning from you Bluffmunkey. Since I am a beginner I will benefit from your advise a lot. Thank you

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Welcome to the forums and thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses: