Hey fellas…
I can’t get A.N.A. to work with this setup. It keeps saying the demo expired even though I have the license key file registered. I’ve only had this product for a year now and been working on my album with it. Since the new macOS update it’s been broken completely… I’ve contacted support and they told me to wait a few weeks ago and I tried to contact again, but no reply… I tried contacting through Facebook and nothing… Will there be a fix soon?
Hi there @DJEmergency
Not blaming any one here but there’s always serious issues when deciding to upgrade early to a new MacOS version, Catalina 10.15 might even bee the worse one in this regard, all Major plugins manufacturers have warn to wait.
That said, bear in mind that ANA 1.5 is a discontinued product for sale even if it’s still maintained so S.A team & support is investigating this issue for sure but it could take some time to trouble shoot & fix and might reach a point where support for future OS versions will be dropped. That’s not planned yet as far as I know so just be patient and wait for an update either here, FB or directly from support. Thank you for your understanding.
This pretty much pisses me off. You guys are abandoning the software when I just purchased it last year. I’ve been working hard on my album and not only that the presets aren’t compatible with version 2.0. I feel like I wasted my time, effort, and my money on this product… I’m better off not supporting and not buying from you guys again. The issue with the bug probably can take no time to fix. I’m a software developer so I know about this stuff… I’m done here…
Just to clarify some important points here 
First of all I’m not part of support or S.A team, I’m just a moderator trying to help on the forums.
Second point being that if you read my previous post, I NEVER SAID that S.A was abandoning ANA 1.5.
I even wrote that it was still maintained for now, but as a fact it’s not a product which is on sale by S.A anymore ( but it’s something different than support & maintenance ). Now as such product ( discontinued for sale ) I can imagine that S.A could decide not to maintain it across OS & DAWs new releases in the future, but that’s only a “logical” assumption from me.
So far, I just know that S.A is aware of the problem, I have no clue about the progress on that issue. Should you need more information, you can open a support ticket
Expecting that this is clarifying my previous post 
@chris_agnelli Would be nice to have an update about this one, thanks.
Well, apart from offering to manually replicate presets from ANA 1.5 to ANA2, that thread says that ANA 1.5 is abandoned on Catalina: https://forums.sonicacademy.com/t/ana-1-with-osx-catalina/34847/8
ANA 1.5 would work well apart from the licence checking during the validation phase, that fails probably because of the file access security restrictions.
If the 3rd party dev did not care to update ANA 1.5, it is likely because they would not be paid for it. A good solution would then be to just remove the licence checking part and recompile ANA 1.5 to ensure its owners can keep on using it. Manually replicating a preset is not a solution when you have lods of projects.
You were right, they did abandon it. Removing the copy protection would probably be enough to fix it, but they haven’t done that.
Hey guys… Apple is pretty much pushing us to upgrade to the latest OS. I can no longer get updates in the Mac App Store… Which means we won’t be getting any updates for Pro Apps unless we upgrade to the latest OS… Please for the love of God… Fix A.N.A. 1.5 to work…