Does anyone know if it’s possible to change where ANA 2 looks for presets, or where it saves samples that are imported into its sampler? The default location is on the C drive under a hidden ProgramData folder. The reason I’m asking is that my C drive is about out of space, while I have terabytes free on another drive, and I’d like to keep everything on that drive if possible. I’ve looked under the settings but am not finding anything allowing me to do this. Would appreciate any pointers.
Hi there @fmoridani
There’s actually no settings allowing you to change the default presets install location directly from ANA 2.
Next to that, I would add that presets are usually not taking a huge amount of space on your system but if you wish to try to move those anyway, a workaround could be using “symlinks”. Have a look a this topic to learn more about this. Don’t mind if the topic is Kick 2 related, the idea & principal is exactly the same, so it should work fine. But once again, I think the free space has to be done somewhere else on your main HDD if you can, though I know it’s not always that easy
Here is more about “Symlink” Kick 2 Preset Location - #10 by Mathematics
Thank you!
No problem, you’re welcome and I hope this could helps
But once again, the amount of HDD space used by the presets shouldn’t be that huge. To give you a picture, I was recently reinstalling S.A plug-ins and checked my ANA 2 presets folder size under MacOS ( having all 7 ANA 2 Presets Packs Installed ) and it’s less than 40mb It shouldn’t be that much different under WIN, so really wondering if it worth setting up external folders locations with the “Symlinks” trick.
Cheers !