Artist tutorial wish list

Nice one Phil… thats realistic Man.

“so more up and coming and breakthrough artists are a better bet.”

would you like to hear some of my stuff?? :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]willidaniel (07/10/2011)[hr]“so more up and coming and breakthrough artists are a better bet.”

would you like to hear some of my stuff?? :P[/quote]

No :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :w00t:

[quote]slender (07/10/2011)[hr][quote]willidaniel (07/10/2011)[hr]“so more up and coming and breakthrough artists are a better bet.”

would you like to hear some of my stuff?? :P[/quote]

No :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :w00t:[/quote]


[quote]phil johnston (07/10/2011)[hr][quote]ICN (07/10/2011)[hr]Was thinking Slam too.

Whats the idea with this? Getting a HTSL or getting ARTIST X to do a tut?

Wouldnt it be better to go to a B-lister with excellent productions (Hello Beatport) & ask them to do a nixer on the QT in their genre?[/quote]

We are approaching artists to do tutorials at ADE and beyond… just want to get a massive list together and work through it. so more up and coming and breakthrough artists are a better bet.[/quote]

Is someone that is fighting to establish themselves going to want to give away there secrets though?

That’s like asking slender lol:hehe::hehe:

Thats why they should do it under a Pseudonym :wink:

[quote]ICN (08/10/2011)[hr]Thats why they should do it under a Pseudonym ;)[/quote]

Gotcha :wink:

Sorted now so! LOL :smiley: :smiley: :cool:

Actually, try and get Avesta to do a tutorial. His stuff is blowing up!

Maya Jane Coles or Jamie Jones!!!

Deep/Tech House

would love to see a John Tejada tutorial, he has his own trademark sound

Would also love to see a Maya Jane Coles tut

Minutes of the Sonic Academy quarterly planning meeting.

Taken by: some intern working for free

Location: The Titanic Arms

The topic of new tutorials was discussed. Phil and Bryan had already produced a selection of videos that explained the same thing, just presented slightly differently in the context of different forms of similar but different enough house music. With the cup now dry the question is how to move forward. A couple more pints of Guinness were ordered and Phil suggested that instead of thinking up new ideas for content they could get some other people who are actual experts in their style to do the tutorials instead. Bryan agreed but suggested it might be quite a lot of hard work to decide on who to bring in. I (intern) suggested that the sonic academy forum might be the best place to work out who to get drunk at ADE. Phil and Bryan agreed and bought me a diet coke to celebrate.

Minutes end

[quote]dom_moulton (09/10/2011)[hr]Minutes of the Sonic Academy quarterly planning meeting.

Taken by: some intern working for free

Location: The Titanic Arms

The topic of new tutorials was discussed. Phil and Bryan had already produced a selection of videos that explained the same thing, just presented slightly differently in the context of different forms of similar but different enough house music. With the cup now dry the question is how to move forward. A couple more pints of Guinness were ordered and Phil suggested that instead of thinking up new ideas for content they could get some other people who are actual experts in their style to do the tutorials instead. Bryan agreed but suggested it might be quite a lot of hard work to decide on who to bring in. I (intern) suggested that the sonic academy forum might be the best place to work out who to get drunk at ADE. Phil and Bryan agreed and bought me a diet coke to celebrate.

Minutes end[/quote]

In retrospect that looks rather cynical. Am I being too harsh?

Yes very cynical. But mostly accurate… What did you expect some sort of G20 summit?

In Truth weve been wanting to do it since we took over we just didnt have the money to do it. we’ve just made a deal that’ll keep the Empire out of here forever.

Chris Agnelli/Gleave Dobbin - Trance.

I know you can do it Phil :stuck_out_tongue:


Alan Fitzpatrick ( got to hear a set from him this past weekend in LA really cool dude)

Gary Beck(OMG would be awesome)

Nomad Spectrum :smiley: ( your soundscapes are ***** rad!!)

Josh Wink (would be awesome but never is gonna happen)

and just about any other Artist on Drumcode or CLR

Here are a few names…


Jamie Jones

Maya Jane Coles

Tale of Us


Maceo Plex

Seth Troxler

David August


Eats Everything

Justin Martin

Zombie Disco Squad


Jesse Rose

Julio Bashmore


Renaissance Man

Round Table Knights


Tim Green

Tom Flynn

Max Bett

Riva Starr

Claude VonStroke




Fake Blood

Tom Staar





Gary Beck

[quote]Walshyyy (10/10/2011)[hr]Techno

Alan Fitzpatrick

Gary Beck(OMG would be awesome)

Nomad Spectrum :smiley: ( your soundscapes are ***** rad!!)

Josh Wink (would be awesome but never is gonna happen)

and just about any other Artist on Drumcode or CLR


LOL - nice to be in put in the same list as those guys :wink:

np you deserve it! the atmosphere you have in your tracks is what i envy most.

Deal - sounds intriguing. Can you divulge a few crumbs Phil? :smiley:

If you are gonna get people to do anything - Even if its just an interview… Tell them to fk off if they start giving tips about organising your samples, or naming tracks in your DAW.

Seriously! :stuck_out_tongue:

Tell them that we said they’d lose face if they didnt give some quality specific advice. Which is true.

Not expecting the guys to donate bone marrow either Man… but a good tip is better than a 1-dimensional “I’m a cnut” tips :)