****bry & phil buy sonic****


Many thanks to both of you, Sonic Academy is a monster of a website and i only wish i had the time to sit behind my computer learning to produce and soaking up all the great information available to me every day. Look forward to the new material

I’d just like to say thank you for continuing to run what is by far the best music tutorial site that I have seen.

Not only are the videos easy to follow and packed full of new techniques to help expand your skill set, you have now also created a synth which in my opinion blows Sylenth outta the water! (take note Leonard, its time to work on the next version) :wink:

On top of all of this, you’ve now sweat blood and tears to create a sample pack which will be used for many years to come!

Your subscriber support is second to none and you have always got back to me with an answer, be it advice or to explain how something works.

I for one will be a lifetime subscriber to this musical community!

Long live SONIC ACADEMY!!! :w00t:

WOW! Such nice words! THANKS!