
Now, THAT’S what I call a sub!

[quote]JamieinNC (17/04/2011)[hr]Now, THAT’S what I call a sub!

[quote]egg2 (17/04/2011)[hr]Low pass ?:D[/quote][/quote]

Whoops! Im retarded.

[quote]howiegroove (18/04/2011)[hr][quote]JamieinNC (17/04/2011)[hr]Now, THAT’S what I call a sub!

[quote]egg2 (17/04/2011)[hr]Low pass ?:D[/quote][/quote]

Whoops! Im retarded.[/quote]

LOL, I wondered if you meant HP :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone else think their missus could do with a severe cut around 3khz to take the edge off?

eqing is against my religion!

[quote]UnitedVision (19/04/2011)[hr]eqing is against my religion![/quote]

We know we’ve heard your stuff :D:hehe:

As I go along really, then i go back and EQ things at the end also as I need too to make final adjustments.

EQs i use are Abletons EQ Eight and Waves LinEQ

I lowcut everything that’s not meant to be bass.  So the kick and bass part, I eq to sound good, then everything else low cut at either around 150 hz or 500 hz depending, but sometimes even higher.  Just depends.  The low cut clears out the clutter an helps all the different elements fit into the mix better.  Also, I make vocal tracks, and am always careful to carve out a spot in my mix for the vocal to sit.  For guys’ voices, that usuall means 500 - 1000hz or so, and for female, 900 - 2000 or so.  Depends on the voice.  Helps to keep things from interfering and lets the voice really sound up front and seperates it from the mix.

also, the Softube A-Range eq is my favorite eq.  Nice natural sounding cuts and boosts.

Tbh i use in -built filters to shave of lower/higher  frequencies then if a sound has annoying resonance then out comes the eq.

The key to equing is to know when to use it, i know that has been said a billion times

but its sooooo true.

I try to get the sound as polished as i can without using eq

Also knowing how to place/program your sounds in the frequency spectrum really really helps :slight_smile: