Kick 2 presets glitching upon loading, both DLC and Factory

I have recently purchased Kick2 and am unable to load any presets at all. I have wiped my computer clean several times in an attempt to reinstall for hopes of a different outcome yet i have seen no change. Anytime i try and load in a preset, both from an audiotent pack that i purchased, or from the factory presets, i briefly see the preset load, then suddenly a hole bunch of parameters are changed and the name in the drop down menu shows a * next to the preset name. I have tried getting in touch with sonic academy to no avail. I’m desperately hoping someone is able to help. I have a video of this happening repeatedly but am unable to upload. Thank you for your time!

This glitch is only seen in Audio Units mode. the problem does not occur in VST mode

Hey @KeepSixMusic

I understand you’re on macOS then, could you please be more specific on your macOS Version as well as your Mac Computer Specs ? ( from the “About this Mac” Info popup window )
Could you also check the way your main macOS HDD is formatted ( any HDD format with “case Sensitive” option could cause troubles.

Yes, the Forum’s ‘Trust system’ process won’t allow you to upload if you have not spend some time & perform some activities on the Forums. Sorry for the inconvenience but this is a way to keep the content reliable. Trust levels unlocked themselves when being active on the Forums & performing some actions.

Any way to upload/share this video using Dropbox, GoogleDrive or any other of these means ??

After a default Kick 2 v1.05 install ( latest version ) on macOS, you should have the following files structure on your Mac :

‘yourmacOSHDD’/Library/Application Support/Sonic Academy/Kick 2/

Inside the Kick 2 folder, you’ll find your Presets & other folders like on the pic below, you could try to rename the Presets folder to presets ( no caps ). Also trying to reset permission on the all Sonic Academy folder using an app like free ‘batchmod’ or “Permission Reset” could help on Macs.

There’s an exhaustive topic here that could help you to troubleshoot this further, there was some case reported where Kick 2 would cause some issue on specific Mac model, that’s why your specs are important, hope this can help as well.