Pitch is not consistent

So I’m working on a uplifter preset on ANA at the moment, which basically consists of many very short notes being played (like “dots” if you want) with very short release etc., which the pitch is going up. You probably know what I’m talking about. :)br
Now, my problem is that the pitch going up (automation) does not sound consistent. It doesn’t sound like a curve or a “gradient”, but more like small steps.br
What could be the reason for this? Is this normal at all? (I believe it isn’t)br
Thanks :slight_smile:

What are you using to modulate the pitch?

Looks like I’ve forgot the most important information!br
I’m using the “MOD 1” parameter, the Source is set to “Key Track”, and the Target to “Oscillators (all) Pitch”. I then automate this knob in Logic Pro to go from 0 to 100%.

Use pitch all or individual ideal osc pitch as your target. Key track will pitch in note increments

What do I set as the source then?

you could use the G-Env, Lfo, Mod Wheel

I’ve tried it with the G Env now, I’ve uploaded a picture of what it looks like. I automated the amount to go down. I may have been working on this too much to judge it objectively now, but I still sounds slightly stepped to me for some reason! But it’s better than before.br
I also tried using the left wheel in the bottom left corner of the synth window, I set the pitch range to 24 and then drew some automation in Logic. It sounds good too but still not as smooth as I wished it would be!br
Is there any technical reasons why this may not even be possible in the first place? It’s the same with other synths, like Logic’s ES2.

Midi is limited to a range of 128 for all midi controls so it wont ever be totally smooth… although i think there is some smoothing with the parameters in ANA itself.br
how many bars is your rise taking place and how many octaves do you want the pitch to rise?

I see, I didn’t know that!br
I don’t have it at hand right now but it should be around 8 bars long and 3 octaves up. But I was just messing around, so I’ll be making plenty of new different ones in the future to use in my projects.br
I did notice that sometimes it’s less obvious than other times, depending how the sound is played, and depending on the sound itself as well of course.

If i put pitch bend to +24 and start with a bend of -24 to +24 over 8 bars it sounds pretty smooth to me.

Yeah it can sound smooth depending on how it’s set. I had the pitch bend set to 24 as well and had the Logic automation for this parameter set to go from -64 to 62, and it sounded fine. br
Below is an example with the pitch bend in ANA set to 24 as well, but the automation only set from 0 to 62, so it already starts at a higher octave. You can hear (in the second half) that there are some kind of steps in the background!br

if you are going up just plus 24 you would get smoother results doing -12 to +12 from -64 to +64

Yes that’s correct, just tried!br
Thanks then, I guess we could say the problem is solved. :slight_smile: