(This isn’t so much, i’ve never really been into hardstyle, but i like the breakdown riff)
I don’t know if they still do, but this was played as the last tune at the last set (by paul glazby) at every tidy weekender, it was tradition. All 13 i went too, without fail.
Listening to these is well getting me excited for my 4 deck 1 mixer mash up Hard House set on Easter Sunday in April Been such long time since i whacked out the hard house.
Wouldn’t really class this as a trip down memory lane for me but as this thread was made to inspire people and get you all thinking about things that made you fall in love with dance music i thought this needed posting.
who needs ableton when you can pull off a live performance like this with vinyl a violinist and a bunch of fireworks
Ahhh the colours EP’s, how good where they? Paul Janes was by far the best producer on the Tidy roster … (in my opinion before someone jumps on my head)