Trouble installing ANA to Logic Pro X

Hello, br
I am having trouble installing ANA into Logic Pro X. I am using the 64bit file and my plug in manager in Logic is telling me crashed validation. I downloaded a trial version of Ableton Live 9 and installed the 32bit file and everything works. Anybody have any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong?br

More info - Brought ANA up in Garage Band and everything was OK. I am running Logic version 10.2.0

GOT IT!! If anyone else has this issue I followed the directions in the screen shot, re-opened Logic, went to plug in manager where ANA was still showing crashed validation, checked the box and hit “Reset and rescan selection” - working now :)br

Hi, I am having validation problems in Logic Pro X also.
The plugin manager is saying the software fail validation. I just can’t find a fix on the site. I really love the software, but is unable to work out the problem. Anyone has a fix?

Hi @Denton_Bailey
Can you reopen LPX and then plugin manger and select Reset and rescan and let me know if that works.

HI there @Denton_Bailey

Did you manage to solve this following Chris recommendation ?

Starting from LPX 10.3 it is also a good habit to restart your Mac after installing new plugins, but in this case you just won’t see the plugin in LPX until you restart ( sometime login out & in on your Mac user account works, but restarting is a good habit if you can’t see the new plugin in LPX ).

In this case if it’s appearing in LPX but with “failed validation” then yes, you should try several time to reset & rescan via LPX Plugin Manager like Chris suggested to you. Now to be even more cautious, do a Mac restart before.

Thank you to let us know if this is solved :wink: