There are some cool ideas there. But for my taste the elements are not well staged. As well in the mix as in their kind how they play. I miss some deepness, 3 dimensionalty and the special something. I would recomend you some mixing tutorial:like mixing, creating space or something like that. To cut a bit from the highs if the thinks are placed in the background, using different kind of reverbs in a right way, compression, and so on…
Hey, just wanted to say I think the tracks are really good! Great takes on some classics, and quite original too. Great job, contrary to the above I think the mixing on the whole is pretty good.
Hey, Ben I was listen to your tracks on soundcloud! Very cool stuff!!! Your pritty far my men! I am not on that level. So I think your judge is better then my one. br
Anyway,so JDubz13, dont listen to me maybe I am wrong! br
Haha thanks SamJam, br
Always nice to hear that somebody likes your music. I was just expressing my opinion, if I’m honest I consider my mixing to be one of my weakest points, and there is always plenty to learn. To anyone who has not viewed the mixing tutorials I would still highly recommend them, they are great! Maybe send me some links to your stuff, I’d love to take a
Hi ma men. I will send you a private message, becouse its not my thread.