3rd Ableton track

Hi guys …This is my 3rd attempt at a track in Ableton.Its Hard Trance ,there were a few mixdown problems on my last 2 tracks and i don’t think the kicks were strong enough but i think i’ve sorted them out on this one …Let me know what you think,Cheers!

SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

- YouTube

Cool track man. It has good energy and nice hardtrance melodys and sounds. In my opinion tho its to long. I think u could lose at least 2mins of it. I didnt really feel it went on to long because u did keep it interesting all the way through, but I think if u loss those few mins changed the tracks arrangement up a bit certain parts would have a better impact. I think when u drop in the main melody on 5mins something 16bars in u could change it to the more sped up melody that u have after ur 2nd break at 7mins, because I think that would work well against the other melody to bring more energy, then bring back ur main melody then do the same drop out u did at the end but instead of going into that sped up melody go to the outro. I hope I made that make sense.

Also the white noise I think that should drop out when ur filtering the rest out at 5 mins 40 because for me it took away from that drop. Also is that white noise ur snare?

Anyways just my opinons if u got time comment on my track cheers

one by CraigHathaway

unfinished any feedback would be cool cheers

Check out the arrangement in this track… i know its a slightly different genre but its a really good example of how to build a track… each 4 bar section is different and building and changing… Listen to what sounds are added when and the different FX and fills for each small section.

Subtle stuff like filtering the acid lines in the background give it a real sense of forward motion. adding rides and subtly adding more hats etc.

[quote]CtrlAltDel (24/07/2011)[hr]Cool track man. It has good energy and nice hardtrance melodys and sounds. In my opinion tho its to long. I think u could lose at least 2mins of it. I didnt really feel it went on to long because u did keep it interesting all the way through, but I think if u loss those few mins changed the tracks arrangement up a bit certain parts would have a better impact. I think when u drop in the main melody on 5mins something 16bars in u could change it to the more sped up melody that u have after ur 2nd break at 7mins, because I think that would work well against the other melody to bring more energy, then bring back ur main melody then do the same drop out u did at the end but instead of going into that sped up melody go to the outro. I hope I made that make sense.

Also the white noise I think that should drop out when ur filtering the rest out at 5 mins 40 because for me it took away from that drop. Also is that white noise ur snare?

Anyways just my opinons if u got time comment on my track cheers

one by CraigHathaway

unfinished any feedback would be cool cheers


hi mate .thanks for the feedback i understand what you mean ill try mixing it again and tweaking the arrangement…and no the white noise is not the snare i put a white noise tail on every other hat thought it sounded interesting …

cheers !

[quote]phil johnston (25/07/2011)[hr]Check out the arrangement in this track… i know its a slightly different genre but its a really good example of how to build a track… each 4 bar section is different and building and changing… Listen to what sounds are added when and the different FX and fills for each small section.

Subtle stuff like filtering the acid lines in the background give it a real sense of forward motion. adding rides and subtly adding more hats etc.


thanks for the reply and tips phil !

No worries mate any time. Cool I wasnt’t sure tho sometimes u hear those sort of big reverbed white noise snares. I listened again and noticed the snare in the intro but I feel it got lost somewhere and needs to cut though more. But yeah I agree the white noise does sound interesting.