A DJ mix

Hey everyone

I did a mix earlier today, would like some feedback on it as I’m not really a DJ. Just learning now so and crit or advice you DJ could give to help me improve would be great thanks!!

DJ set 28/01/2010 by OneTwoSeven

Haven’t had chance to listen to it all yet but cool grooves, will give it a proper listen soon and get back to you with some feeds ok.

[quote]roben (28/08/2010)[hr]Haven’t had chance to listen to it all yet but cool grooves, will give it a proper listen soon and get back to you with some feeds ok.[/quote]

Thanks pal!

it’s mixed pretty well mate, set flows ok, and would deffo work in a club environment.

[quote]Aapie (28/08/2010)[hr]it’s mixed pretty well mate, set flows ok, and would deffo work in a club environment.


Ah cool, thanks for checking it out mate. Working a lot on my djing atm, been offered gigs and hate to turn it down.

nice mix, enjoyed it, what do you use to dj with?

Cheers mate, it was with ableton an a few controllers