Hello , i am going to come to England later this month (19-23 March ), more precisely England. I don’t think most of you people ever seen me on these forums since i’m not a frequent poster or anything. We are a group of 7 friends ( 4 females , 3 males ) that saw the opportunity in some cheap flight tickets from Romania to England. But we have a huge problem at the moment. All the hostels we’ve mailed at are full and paying over 30 pounds a night , is not sounding too good. The tickets are already bought so we don’t really know what to do. Anyone know any hostels that aren’t taken ? Also would be pretty amazing if someone had an apartment to rent for those 4 days(name your price) or have any idea to put us in the right direction. If there are people willing to help I’ll buy you any drink you want heh at your choice.
Thank you for reading!
try this web page maybe? [url=http://www.travelsupermarket.com/c/hotels/]http://www.travelsupermarket.com/c/hotels/[/url]
Thanks for the site . the page’s great but can’t find anything under 40 / night . That kind of passes our budget
May help if you say what part of England your going too - I’d be surprised if you can get anything under 40 quid in London
pm me