A.N.A. 1.5 Random distortion that will kill your ears

Hey guys i just updated to the 1.5 version and i’ve being working for some time with this synth but something really strange happened…whenever i load a ANA synth and start playing with some presets and playing notes (or when i load an old project that contained a channel with ANA) this incredible boom of distortion will almost get me deaf and wont let me play the notes without any ridiciulous distortion, like im afraid to even load it again…of course i uninstalled it and did this a couple of times and this problem will still come out :confused: br

Ok i figured it out by my self ;d…basically you have to delete all previous registry keys, look for a ANA location as well of other VST’s that are expired on demo because the create problems, also use CCleaner to clean the registry and Advanced Uninstaller to clean it further but most importantly enter the regedit on the comand prompt and look maunally for old versions that may have not being fully uninstalled and just delete them, also from the other vsts that you are not using ^^