it seems the forum is nearly operational and has post access.
i am finding if i use the link above i can get to the forums more reliably than using the frontend.
it does involve in creating a tempory user name but i thought you guys might appreciate a way to comminicate and help test things at least until the SA team resolve the last few bugs.
so far the forum itself seems more reliable than the old one.
no time out issues that forced logging back in etc.
ps here’s some info for the SA team working on the forums.
when i click on community link where the forums should be i get random errors
the path points to the link below.
if however I enter directly http://forums.sonicacademy.com/Forum8-1.aspx
i can pretty much get here everytime.
i am no expert but it looks like a path related issue?
Maybe in the shorterm the community link could be repointed to