Just finished watching some tuts by Seb Leger. He mentions using the channel delay in able to to delay sounds in order to get better transients. Does anybody else do it this way and is there any advantage to this over moving beats off the rigid 1/16 grid?
I dont follow u mate…
[quote]mejaques_uk@hotmail.com (18/01/2011)[hr]Just finished watching some tuts by Seb Leger. He mentions using the channel delay in able to to delay sounds in order to get better transients. Does anybody else do it this way and is there any advantage to this over moving beats off the rigid 1/16 grid?[/quote]
Hey man. You do it which ever way you are more comfortable doing it. Doing it that way is an old sequencer approach to programming. Its kinda like when you program your snares and claps, you nudge the clap a hair before to get that “thwack”. Thats kinda what the delay does. Or it can even add a touch of swing and whatnot. Just a different way to do things.
Thanks Howie makes sense.
Gofunk - i think if you refer to Howies post it should make sense - its just another way of shifiting hits of the rigid beat without using the midi grid it seems.
The method is used in alot of minimal/techno
No problem man