[quote]gofunk (17/04/2011)[hr][quote]lenners (17/04/2011)[hr]get a mac ;)[/quote]
I would if I had the cash! BUT ONLY FOR LOGIC!
Fixed it away, turns out it was because I was sending something to a audio track and an external input was turned on. This cause some kind of lag.
Turning the input on that track off fixed it!
I was curious about the external input being the cause, because that made me think there might be an issue with syncing to an external midi clock, so I checked on Ableton’s forums and I saw this thread:
[url]Sync to external midi clock issues - Ableton Forum
Ironically, in the end the guy says he switched to an older Mac though :-p
The Clap Becomes louder because its not sitting on a kick which is making everything limit sooner. when you remove the kick gain is lost in the compressor and the noise floor is dropped creating an increase in volume. how to stop this? i dunno.