Hi guys hoping someone can help with an annoying thing (feature) that keeps happening with a project I am working on.
Basically the red button in the above image keeps automatically engaging whilst I am in session view.
I cant for the life of me work out how to stop it.:unsure:
I can manually click it but everytime i restart the track it engages again pretty much
disabling all the automation.
Thanks in advance.
this seems to happen if your automated in session and then try to play the automated instrument again ? Have you got automation running in clip view? sorry just thought what controller/keyboard are you using it could be that this is mapped to this button right click on the red button and check if you have this automated if so lose the automation :)
Cheers Egg, its possible but the truth is if there’s any automation in the clip view
i didn’t consciously ask for it.
any ideas how to un automate everything in the clip view?
- Just an update on the situation *
I still haven’t managed to isolate wtf is going on.:unsure:
I’ve tried clearing all the clips evelopes one by one in clip view and still haven’t managed to sort it.
I even resorted to tricks like creating empty midi clips and pasting the note data back to every clip in the project and Ableton still insists on arming that button.
Shame Ableton doesn’t alow for a global automation clear, that would sort it for sure even if it mean drawing the automation back to all the tracks in the project.
Well if anyone has any further suggestions I am all ears coz the project I am working on is now pretty much useless without control over automation
I finally solved the problem.
It would seem at some point Ableton recorded a patch change within session view.
Not that i wanted it, anywayz i’ve left a mug shot just in case someone else ever falls
foul of this anoying feature.
Everytime ableton came across the clip in question it would engage the back to arrangement button
All i had to do was click on the program switch and change it from 1 to none
And that was it.
i had the feeling it had recorded something ,something similar happend to me quite a few times when i was trying to play with beat repeat on a track every time i turned it on it 'd put me into clip view strange ! glad you sorted it though :)
Yeah really obscure kind of a problem Egg.
i very nearly deleted the whole project in frustration but
i knew the same thing may happen again in the future so
i had to keep plugging away.
You put me on the right track though by pointing my attention to the clip properties.
cheers dude. much appreciated.