I was just wondering what everyone thinks is better … Ableton or Logic… I am an Ableton user, but after listening to the prog tutorials (dare i say it)… i think Logic has an edge on the sound and i notice most of the top producers use Logic …maybe this is why? Cheers …
[quote]bestie77 (14/07/2010)[hr]I was just wondering what everyone thinks is better … Ableton or Logic… I am an Ableton user, but after listening to the prog tutorials (dare i say it)… i think Logic has an edge on the sound and i notice most of the top producers use Logic …maybe this is why? Cheers … :)[/quote]
why not use both ?
[quote]jon_fisher (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]bestie77 (14/07/2010)[hr]I was just wondering what everyone thinks is better … Ableton or Logic… I am an Ableton user, but after listening to the prog tutorials (dare i say it)… i think Logic has an edge on the sound and i notice most of the top producers use Logic …maybe this is why? Cheers … :)[/quote]
why not use both ?[/quote]
Use what you have the most fun making music with!
was thinking that but Logic only runs on a Mac doesnt it?..
I think you have to know both.
Once you get logic down you probably wont use ableton to produce.
However, All my friends that do it professionally... Use logic to produce and ableton for performances & recording sessions. They also tell me that they use ableton as a sketch pad.
When I get enough money.... I'm buying a super mac pro just so I can get logic.
Once you get good enough on ableton or cubase... moving to logic should be a breeze.
my 2 cents.
The same fundamental principles apply to both, obviously. Ableton Live is a ***** revelation to most and has some awesome features but does have a certain sound to it, I can’t quite put my finger on it. Logic Pro is a slightly more methodical approach and features some industry standard in the box synths and efx. I use both and Reason.
I used to have both but sold Logic and am slowly beginning to regret it. I agree with the whole ‘sound’ thing, just can’t put my finger on it though.
Out of interest, do the owners of both logic and ableton have the full soundbanks installed on both packages, or just one? If so, which one have you gone for? I think installing both would amount to over 100Gb of audio wouldn’t it?
I honestly find Ableton more ‘fun’
I moved from Live to Logic as I just didnt think it was proper. I wanted a dedicated mixer page & a better layout. Logic had that for me.
Neither is better - they are totally different & excellent at doing their jobs.
Thing I miss most about Live - The FX. Those X/Y pads are class.
Ableton definitely has something, maybe an immediacy… that Logic does not have.
Its better if you are using your own audio / loops etc… as a sketchpad maybe, though that is not saying that it is not excellent for being your main DAW. One of the usual arguements about Live is the quality of its Sound Engine. Loads of tests all over the 'net about it - result is probably inconclusive when you factor in MP3’s, Ipods and people off their nut in clubs.
I still have Ableton - & do use it for some things. Everything goes into Logic.
Takes a while to learn your software & if you are making a choice, choosing both will make the transition easier. Thats if you can afford it.
Logic is very easy to use. Menus / Workflow etc… is unreal. Anything you want is literally there infront of you, easily found without having to go searching & searching.
Hey - If Steve Angello uses it - it must be easy to use! LOL
Its a big investment - 2 versions - Express (minus some big fx - cheaper) & Pro (more expensive , full software) No Demo, so try & find somewhere where you can have a look at it, but Vid’s online will give you an idea as to how easy or hard you are gonna find it. Logic Pro can be picked up 2nd hand these days dirt cheap - recession and all…
Does it matter ?
If you can make music your proud of on a tracker use a tracker - software is just a tool
[quote]bestie77 (14/07/2010)[hr]was thinking that but Logic only runs on a Mac doesnt it?..[/quote]
I love Ableton’s session view for composition. It really allows me to go crazy creating different parts to songs before I have to organize them into a chronological format in a intuitive, easy, and organized fashion.
I don’t know about you guys, but before I make a song, I have no real ideas in mind, so I just dilly dally (i dont know if ive ever used that word before) until I find something that sounds good. While I dilly dally, I usually find other things that sounds interesting, and session view allows me to save that for later without it being an inconvenience to keep in the project.
Its not important what you use for producing(Ableton,Logic or some other software) its important how you use:)
I had Logic but i switched to ableton and i find so much better to make music in ableton:)I dont know why maybe cz its more Logic is more difficult to me and there is no one to teach me how to use it. I seen videos with most of the the pro using Logic(Funkagenda,Mark Knight,D Ramirez etc…) and Ableton(Joris Voorn,Paul Kalkenberg,Jody Wisternoff and a lot of minimal,tecno producers)there are artist using Fl(Laidback Luke,Arnej) but the first one i have wrote it its most important…
im glad this topic has came up again coz im gettin a mac in sept and ive gotta mate whos gonna give me logic for it…
im just wonderin, since logic looks quite scary at a 1st glance,
if i didnt make the change would the quality in ableton still be spot on since alot of pros use logic. more seemingly than ableton, without offendin ableton users coz im one and i love it.
if that makes sense?
I have to use Logic in my course which I’m starting in Sept, but i’ll still be mostly using Ableton at home because that’s what I prefer and that’s what I feel most comfortable with.
Ableton all the way for me:cool:
I have used Cubase, Logic, Reason, Sony Acid in the past but it’s Ableton that works for me, I can get things started so fast and easy with it plus with the latest update it is stable as anything, been using logic in college and have to say it always crashes plus I find it not very user friendly if you compare it with Ableton.
I went to SEA an studied logic, but now I only use ableton.
In fact I can’t even use logic anymore. The work flow is rly poor, especially if you using loops and samples.
Try using ultrabeat, its not easy to use, took me weeks to get it. And even when you know how to use it, you still have to set up a ton of aux’s, route everything out of ultrabeat ect. Its just rly time comsuming. Same with the Esx.
Compair that with drum rack, that does everything for you, and its a sampler to. So you get ultrabeat and the esx in one with out the hassle. Epic win for ableton there.
Do like a few things in Logic tho it comes with some great effects. And Sculpture sounds cool. But that doesn’t make up for the sluggish work flow.
my opinion anyway.
Ableton or Logic… Ableton or Logic…
Daddy or Chips…
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[url]- YouTube
Both programs have their benefits as well as drawbacks. I think in the end it depends on how you prefer to work and what qualities are more important to you. I’ve been a Logic user for quite a long time since back in the Emagic days and love it but I’ve been using Ableton more and more since discovering Sonic Academy. I like both programs for different reasons and so I’ve been using Ableton rewired into Logic so I can have the best of both worlds.