Ableton problem

hey guys

just throwing a few tracks together in ableton 8 to get a quick dj mix done

some of the tracks sound a bit clippy and glitchy after i warp them straight

any ideas why this is happening?

cheers :slight_smile:

Have you tried changing the warp modes to see which sounds best?


if your getting glitches you may not have warped the audio correctly

have a look at the “warping with ableton 8” tech tip.

if you have warped it successfully and your metronome is clicking in time with your tune. it may just be that your tempo difference between your tracks original tempo and the project time you are working with is too extreme.

the greater the difference the greater the amount of artefacts you are going to experience.

i try to stick to “Beat” mode for the stretching algorithm - sound a lot better if you are close to the tracks original tempo.

if the tempos are extreme then i would suggest trying Complex or Complex Pro.

This will remove any glitching!

cheers! complex did the trick :slight_smile: