I am using Live 8.2.1 on a 2.4Ghz Intel Core i5 Mac Book Pro w/ 4g ram, which is brand new, to DJ out using a Vestex VCM 600 controller.
The problem I have is that sometimes into my set I will have random little jumps and the yellow CPU/ ram meter in the top right of Ableton ramps up.
Is there a setting or a buffer size I can use to stop this, surly with this Lappy and setup it should not be struggling just to DJ, its not like I’m processing lots of channels!!
This is a major headache for me as even one of those jumps can ruin a set and make everyone point and say “that wouldn’t happen with Vinyl”
Should I increase the buffer? its currently at 776 Samples. I am also coming out via a Numark DJiO, don’t know if that will affect it.
try turning wifi off… this sometimes causes spikes for me.
Cool- so the buffer size has nothing to do with playback of clips?
Nah for what you are using you shouldn’t be pushing the CPU hard enough for it to glitch so it must be something else.