Hi all,
hope everyone is well?
i am looking at purchasing a keyboard midi controller to use with live 8?
so i can set up basic controls to faders etc…like filters panning and effects.
i have seen the akai mpk49 ad really like the feel of the akai stuff like my apc40!
but need a producing tool rather than a live performance controller.
so any help on this would be wicked?
thanks alot
November 28, 2011, 6:04pm
ive got the m audio axiom pro 49 which is bloody belting! all lives plug ins and controls are auto mapped to the keyboard. also controls all other plug ins (3rd party stuff)
hi andy,
hope you are well mate
i had a nocturn novation keyboard before and the automapping feautures on cubase were shocking havent triend any auto mapping on ableton yet though??
thanks again