About the use of USB keyboards on producing

Hello everyone,br
I would to ask all of you something that has been bothering for a long time. I have USB keyboard and I used it a couple of times to make a bass line. The thing is I don’t know how to play the instrument itself. I only learned how to play the C major and minor scale in a row and improvise from that premise.br
So, for me that I don’t know how to play music how can I apply it in production? What’s its alternative uses?br
Thanks in advance…:)br

You could use it as a drum pad. Assign a load of samples to a drum rack (if using Ableton) and then trigger each one using a different key on the keyboard.

Where having a keyboard really comes into it’s own, is adding a human feel to parts.br
If you play a part in on a keyboard, rather than drawing in midi notes, all the velocities will be different, the lengths of the notes will be different, and the timing will be slightly out and off the quantize grid.br
This will often make parts sound significantly better than if you just draw them in with a mouse.

[quote]davidmclean (22/10/2013)[hr]Where having a keyboard really comes into it’s own, is adding a human feel to parts.br
If you play a part in on a keyboard, rather than drawing in midi notes, all the velocities will be different, the lengths of the notes will be different, and the timing will be slightly out and off the quantize grid.br
This will often make parts sound significantly better than if you just draw them in with a mouse.[/quote]br
Not if it’s me playing them it wont! :wink:

it’s ok if you don’t know how to play the keyboard. the keyboard can be very important even if you don’t know how to playbr
the biggest advantage is finding a rhythm. br
finding rhythm on a keyboard is a lot easier than writing it in on a piano roll.br