Acoustically testing your room


anyone tested their room with the microphone and white noise technique? cant remember who it is that makes the software that allows u to test it. anyone done it? howd it go, help much?

anyone got any recomemdations for the software companies?


Allen and Heath do the real time analyser. I have tried it, but as I don’t have a microphone that has a perfectly flat response (is that the right term for mics?), I have no idea what is the room and what is the mic.

i dont spose anyones got a totally flat responce mic? howd they get round it?

I think some are, but I don’t really know much about mics. Also I seem to remember that there are some popular mics that they have the response curve for and it can adjust for them. It was a while ago I looked into this though.

Reference mic’s come at a hefty price tag especially as your probably only gonna use it around twice, could probably pick up a cheap one, remember seeing a behringer one for around £40, but then it is behringer lol

i got a rode nt2, shure 57 and 58…  useable?

Mitch the shure 57 will probably be better as it’s a condenser so will handle higher frequencies better.

Pretty balanced mic too to be honest.