Aether no luck with the Demo :(

Can’t get Aether to show up in Cubase or Live ! Using Windows 7 64Bit .

Don’t galbanum have a support for this type of thing or a forum

[quote]slender (25/06/2011)[hr]Don’t galbanum have a support for this type of thing or a forum[/quote]

The site is always down …

k I joined the site but now I have to wait …

[quote]Salvation (25/06/2011)[hr]Can’t get Aether to show up in Cubase or Live ! Using Windows 7 64Bit .[/quote]

While I am waiting just a heads up (Team Fortress 2) is free on steam now !!

Have you installed the 64 bit version of Aether? If you have this will not show in Live it is only 32 Bit

[quote]deeko (25/06/2011)[hr]Have you installed the 64 bit version of Aether? If you have this will not show in Live it is only 32 Bit[/quote]

I will try that now since it did not load up in Cubase last night . Thanks for the tip .:wink:

[quote]deeko (25/06/2011)[hr]Have you installed the 64 bit version of Aether? If you have this will not show in Live it is only 32 Bit[/quote]

I got it to work in Cubase after Copying the whole Install file into Cubase lol …

Its quite common that plugins don’t show in live. A few of other ways to try are:

  1. Rescan the whole VST folder again by pressing Ctrl or Alt (Can’t remember which one) when clicking rescan.
  2. Changing the VST folder to the folder that Aether is actually in, rescan and it may show. Then change the folder back to your usual VST folder and it should still be there.
  3. Turn UAC off and run Live as administrator.

[quote]deeko (25/06/2011)[hr]Its quite common that plugins don’t show in live. A few of other ways to try are:

  1. Rescan the whole VST folder again by pressing Ctrl or Alt (Can’t remember which one) when clicking rescan.
  2. Changing the VST folder to the folder that Aether is actually in, rescan and it may show. Then change the folder back to your usual VST folder and it should still be there.
  3. Turn UAC off and run Live as administrator.[/quote]

    Hey thanks for the help but I stopped using Live this week . When I used plugins like ‘ProQ or waves’ the Vsts feel like they are lagging making workflow while editing extremely annoying . I just updated Cubase , all plugins run smooth , CPU seems to work great with Cubase . MY CPU clocks in at 4.1 but Live makes my CPU struggle .