ALB2 sequence to midi notes

when i used to use cubase a couple times i wrote the notes that were in the ALB2’s pattern seq… in to the piano roll in cubase and i could save the midi clip…i remeber i hit record and maybe a little brown monitor button and cubase wrote them out for me…i now use ableton and was wondering if any one ever did this and if the can tell me how to do this in Ableton8…’ lil  help?

im pretty sure you can drag the midi clip in to your browser in the left hand side of the screen , that should save as a midi clip for you

I am not sure it quite works like that tommyt.

I was going to try to explain it but its easy to show it in operation.

Sorry about the quality of the video.

Hope it helps.

that it! you the man…i didnt think of lookin on you tube for that one…

just thought of this last week and remembered a couple years ago i stubled upon this by accident in cubase…nice.:cool:

oh kool your the first one to post that …you devirginized youtube with a big fat ALB! you big nasty …:smiley:

[quote]caliphono (1/27/2010)[hr]oh kool your the first one to post that …you devirginized youtube with a big fat ALB! you big nasty …:D[/quote]

Glad you found it useful.

In hindsight I probably should have at least twiddled with the ABL2 for a minute or two in the vid.:smiley:

As soon as made my way to the interface to select the midi out I could feel the immediate urge to start tweaking but then had to remind myself it was a tutorial lol

cool video, just subscribed for when you do more

good video krome

[quote]jon_fisher (1/28/2010)[hr]cool video, just subscribed for when you do more[/quote]

Cheers jon, yeah I am sure there will be more.

Likewise I’ve added you.

tommyt thanks.


well done man krome really cool vid :cool:

Krome, i’ve subscribed :slight_smile:

great vid mate thats a really handy tip which i’ll be putting to good use lol :smiley:

Cheers guys.
