I’m currently using several instances of ANA2 in a track I am building in Ableton11. I have automation on one of the instances, but the others are clean.
When I returned to the track tonight, many of the parameters are locked - I am unable to change them at all manually or with automation. Furthermore, some of the parameters have been changed and I cannot change them back. I have confirmed this when comparing the current version of the track to a previous version (I version up regularly).
I did map the automation parameter (in this case, the master filter) in order to automate it. I have tried clearing the automation map file, but it has no effect. I recently updated to Monterrey and wonder if that is the issue?
Has anyone else experienced ANA 2 locking up like this? I am also using a couple of other soft synths and I do not have this problem.
Would love any input.
System specs (can provide more on request):
Ableton 11.1.6 Build: 2022-06-13_8a839636b3)
Mac OsX Monterrey
2021 MacBook Pro
Apple A1 Chip
64 GB Ram