Our Biggest and best preset pack yet! Over 200 meticulously crafted Basses, Stabs, Pads, and Leads covering all popular genres. A special deep house section with super deep basses and retro stabs rounds off a pack you absolutely must have.
Mad that no warning this does not work for certain ana2 purchasers.
Useless to me and my money is gone.
Now I’m not sure if I should buy anything here.
Hey there @ugydoo2
First thing first, I just simplified your 3 posts into one. No need to post multiple times
Yep I can understand the frustration here.
The thing is that all ANA 2 Expansion Packs are named after ANA v2 Presets — Pack Name — and ANA 1.5 packs are only labelled ANA Presets — Pack Name — which is intended to make it clear for which version of ANA synth those expansion packs are made for in order to avoid this confusion.
That said, I can agree that a clear & easy visual disclaimer/warning on each product page telling that ANA 1.5 & ANA 2 presets packs will only work with their respective version of the synth would make things easier for purchasers.
Like with all companies selling digital goods, there’s usually no refund policy on any digital purchase, but maybe in this case sale can have a look at this. I’m not telling you it’s granted but send a mail to S.A customer service using this email address mailto:customerservice@sonicacademy.com with your purchase reference & a copy of your receipt explaining the problem, maybe they can arrange something for you.
FYI → @bryan_spence Would be nice if it was possible to either modify the web product page, or at least the product description of all ANA 1.5 & ANA 2 presets packs in order to include a clear & easy visual disclaimer/warning telling they aren’t compatible between versions.