ANA2 Sampler Issue

Hello Sonic Academy Tech,

I got a serious issue regarding quality of the sound in the ANA2 OSC 4-6 Sampler. I am using FL Studio 12 ( soon 20 ) but I think DAW has nothing to do with it.

I have discovered it just now when I was playing with noises from Serum. I have noticed a pattern that was exactly the same as the Juno Noise of ANA2. There couldn’t be any coincidence.

You can hear it very well when you play the center note C5 ( C4, C6 etc. ) in Juno Noise and in all noises that are about the same length as the Juno Noise’s. Although I liked it I didn’t actually use that sound in my leads because I though this sample is “broken”. It appears that unfortunately the sampler of ANA2 might have an issue.

It sounds like a tremolo with changing LFO speed. It resembles me the snare springs. When I play pink or white noise ( native ANA2 ) which are long samples ( and quiet ) I can’t hear that which is even more intriguing. Probably the length of the sample as well as the volume level determines that “extra pattern” and its shape. I tried to find a walkaround to this and I found one but it’s not satisfactory.

It occurs with ANA1 noises as well actually it occurs with every sound. Just turn down the Key to 0 and you can hear that pattern.

The problem with noises disappears when I play just one semitone up or down but NOT COMPLETELY. I noticed that with Serum’s noises it appeared even with different keytones - it reminded me a bitcrush. This might be a serious damage to quality cause it happens for sure with every sample that I play ( I kept playing with many sounds ).

My intuition tells me that it is some sort of phase issue and we can hear it flanging ( more likely ).

I recorded some examples:

ANA2 Juno Noise C5/Key0:

ANA2 Juno Noise C#5:

ANA1 White Noise C5/Key0:

ANA 1 White Noise C#5:

ANA1 White Noise HP2 C5/Key0:

ANA1 White Noise HP2 C#5:

Serum ALPHANZ C5/Key0:

Serum ALPHANZ C#5: ( You can actually hear that it is also affecting the sound. Try to play the original sample - it’s clean )


Serum BRIGHTWHITE C#5: ( little bit here too )

Serum Inharmx 6 C5/Key0:

Serum Inharmx 6 C#5:

I hope this problem will be fixed and we will be able to use clean and pure sound :wink:
