Another Idea!

Taking from howards Sythesis idea, would you guy’s ever consider doing a tutorial on compression covering types and uses of various compression types.

Variable MU

Field effects transistor




covering whats best for for drums, bass, vocals, leads and the differences between these compressor types

also covering techniques such as side-chaining, gain pumping, parallel and others.

and including the actions and key rolls of








a guide on limiters, noise gates and expanders would also be good in this section.

+1 man an indepth tutorial on this would be  would be a great idea !:cool:

This would be sweet too…but I really dont think that videos are necessary at all. Simple write ups, audio files, and screen shots would certainly suffice.

that would be cool but i think a vid would be easier to digest for some .:slight_smile:

I dont mean to be argumentative, but if you can’t get the idea with screenshots and audio files, than I don’t know what to tell you. I (and others as well, I’m sure) wouldn’t want time, quality, or frequency of the tutorials that they are doing to go down. Quick, easy, and to the point write ups are good enough IMO.

hi man tbh i understand compression and  was really thinking maybe vids would be a good idea for people who dont really have a grasp on it !:slight_smile:

to be honest it would work in either video or text.

with me im really more interested in learning what the different types of compression are what they do and are they of any use in modern music other that as an effect.

it doesn’t even have to come from SA we could talk about it in these threads

my question’s if any one could answer this

compression was introduced to reduce dynamic ranges of instruments. The human voice and real instruments have huge dynamic ranges and capturing a good average level on recording was almost impossible, but in the modern day studio where everything is done with out ever leaving the computer, volumes and velocities can be very easily automated what are the advantages of using compression? and what can i do with compression that i can’t with automation?

Crank the vids Johnny Boy sounds great mate would really like that for the Trance and Progressive stuff I am writting and also because I am a newb at writting.

hey jon pm me your email!:slight_smile:

one of the reason i wanted to bring this up was that some of the guys i know use compression without knowing what they are doing or why they are using it (used to be me) and completely wreck their tracks. imo compression is the same a eq if you don’t know what or why you are using it, its best not to be used at all.

This covers quite alot of what your asking.

hey thanks for the video that basically confirmed what i already new really.

i guess im just confused about the subject really as im being told that i should be using compression by some people and others are telling me my technique of using automation is better.

guess its just a case of trust myself more lol