Another try Feedback please :)

this is another track iv made looking for feedback

and am i heading in the right direction

track still needs fx on it etc


On the whole this sounds OK balance wise, but your main snare sounds a little thin - maybe add a little bottom end to fatten it out? Like you’ve said in your intro you need to add FX and so on - do you mean transitional FX by this? I think this is the main thing currently stopping the track as a whole hanging together. The mix at the moment is almost there but needs a little tweaking to get it all to hang together as a whole. Keep going - its got potential!

[quote]wickedged (10/03/2012)[hr]On the whole this sounds OK balance wise, but your main snare sounds a little thin - maybe add a little bottom end to fatten it out? Like you’ve said in your intro you need to add FX and so on - do you mean transitional FX by this? I think this is the main thing currently stopping the track as a whole hanging together. The mix at the moment is almost there but needs a little tweaking to get it all to hang together as a whole. Keep going - its got potential![/quote]

I agree, I’m no expert, but it sounds like there is something missing. My biggest problem with making music, is that I can hear what needs to be done in others tracks, but not my own. :slight_smile:

I like this track!

Thanx for your feedback guys gonna have another mess with and add some stuff to it

And I’ll repost it Thanx again

you need another drum kit.

you have a few errors in melody.

your composition is nothing special. Everyone has heard it a million times. Try harder.