Anyone got a job?

I’ve had enough of my company taking the piss out of me. I’ll do most things within reason!:stuck_out_tongue:

Mod on this forum? :wink:

Website Server Provider - With 3tb packages @ low rates to its customers?

[quote]St.ICNholas (06/12/2011)[hr]Mod on this forum? ;)[/quote]

What’s the salary? I’m not sure I can afford to pay them :hehe:

[quote]St.ICNholas (06/12/2011)[hr]Website Server Provider - With 3tb packages @ low rates to its customers?[/quote]


I don’t understand where people get the space for the Internet?? Where is the Internet kept? In a building somewhere?

[quote]Mussi81 (06/12/2011)[hr][quote]St.ICNholas (06/12/2011)[hr]Website Server Provider - With 3tb packages @ low rates to its customers?[/quote]


I don’t understand where people get the space for the Internet?? Where is the Internet kept? In a building somewhere?


In Jan’s *** :stuck_out_tongue:

Need to make a sign - Will f uck for Radio

Tbh mate,

I think atm under current circumstances, we should be happy if we have a job. Its jusy awful to see everyone going to the job centre…

[quote]Mussi81 (06/12/2011)[hr]I’ve had enough of my company taking the piss out of me. I’ll do most things within reason!:P[/quote]

What kind of job are you looking for and what do you consider within reason?  The lower your standards the more opportunities you’ll have.  :smiley:

[quote]JayD3 (07/12/2011)[hr][quote]Mussi81 (06/12/2011)[hr]I’ve had enough of my company taking the piss out of me. I’ll do most things within reason!:P[/quote]

What kind of job are you looking for and what do you consider within reason? The lower your standards the more opportunities you’ll have. :D[/quote]

I don’t mind wiping old people’s bums.

[quote]jjdejong0 (07/12/2011)[hr]Tbh mate,

I think atm under current circumstances, we should be happy if we have a job. Its jusy awful to see everyone going to the job centre…[/quote]

That’s a very mature way of looking at it jan.

Become an independent contractor, make a deal with a business then report(or dont…depends if you wanna be off the grid or not) your taxes. The business you work for makes more money and you do as well. Been doing this for 7 years. I’ve had various jobs. And you really don’t have too look far. Look for independent owners not corporate dbags.