Very cool
Very cool
Wish I had of thought of that… Pure money spinner.
Expect to see a 909 and 303 as well I suppose
I’m doing a crusty sock USB.
Each one is hand crafted by an artisan.
Checked for viruses. Wiped clean (as can be…) after delivery.
[quote]ICN (04/08/2011)[hr]I’m doing a crusty sock USB.
Each one is hand crafted by an artisan.
Checked for viruses. Wiped clean (as can be…) after delivery.[/quote]
Did I say that my next one is a Lily Tenue USB Vagina?
[quote]jpgetty2win (04/08/2011)[hr][quote]ICN (04/08/2011)[hr]I’m doing a crusty sock USB.
Each one is hand craftedby an artisan.
Checked for viruses. Wiped clean (as can be…)after delivery.[/quote]
Don’t laugh the outcome of the survival of the euro is depending on this
Euro Skeptic
[quote]ICN (04/08/2011)[hr]Euro Skeptic :D[/quote]
Euro septic
[quote]ICN (04/08/2011)[hr]Europeeing[/quote]
Nah they don’t have the pot to do that
We reuse…
[quote]ICN (04/08/2011)[hr]We reuse…[/quote]
Isn’t it a bit salty to drink again?
**** all the USB **** get a tenga! Straight up it’s the vag!! :hehe: