Hi Guys,br
I’ve just finished a first pass Pre-Mayweather Borefest, remix. It’s very roughly mixed and arranged, however I’m finding it a little repetitive. I’m not sure if I have just been listening to it too long or if it is genuinely repetitive. Opinions greatly appreciated. Likes and Hates. Does it need more Instruments? More Automating? Or just more variety in the Chords and what not?br
Cheers DeepCue.br
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There is nothing obviously wrong with the song…! I’m no professional but I might be tempted to mess around with some more automation midway through and some of the early vocals are a bit lost but you said it was a rough mix so no worries… I think the length of track and number of instruments is ok…good luck.
the ideas are decent but the mix needs some work
I agree, the track itself sounds good, all the parts are there they just need to have a final mixdown to balance everything out.br
Have you thought about bringing in a new top percussion section at 3:44 onwards, a shaker maybe, something with a little more pace to help drive the track along?