Automation dis-engaging in ableton?

Really anoyingly when I manage to knock the automation while my track is playing(specifically using a automated cut-off in NI Massive) ad it goes from being red to brown and is no longer ingaging I dont know how to get it back with out starting all over again.

So anoying- prob something really simple biut I’ve rght clicked everywhere and can’t find a way to re-enable.

is this just some kind of crash?


yeah usually that is a sign that there is a problem with ableton and the vst communicating, I’ve had this happen to me in 2c aether among others. Sometimes it will only happen when you render ( and even sometimes when you only render at a certain quality :confused: ).

A nifty workaround I have found is group the vst and map the control that is giving you problems to a macro nob, then automate the macro nob. Sometimes that works, when automating the nob itself doesn’t.
