Hey everyone.Hows it goin?
Im still pretty new here and haven’t been producing seriously very long either.
Anyway i just put this track together and was hoping to get some feedback (good, bad or indifferent ) all is welcome.
Im especially looking for advice on how to make my build ups a bit more intense or whatever.
Just listening to the track again i can here a little bit of the Sylenth demo voice over… i only noticed this after i loaded the track up. i taught i had cut them all out.
This is only the second track iv put together since getting ablton and joining sonic academy.
Its pretty much a combination of everything iv learned here since joining here before christmas.
I hope some of ye will take the time to check it out and hit me with whatever strikes ye about the track.
LINK… SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
left you comments on your soundcloud