Balancing bass, mid-range & high

This is one area i just cant seem to get right, i generally get the various ways to make bassline patterns,im having trouble getting them to sit right.

is there any tips or good ways to go about this for more trance side of things?

side chain, and maybe in the high bass a hipass filter?

i look at fav tracks and try to get the sound but i never seem to get it sitting right with the kick etc. I think im stugling to know if the bottom end is right and so on,ill try get an example up and it might make it easyer to explain,i find myself comparing what ive done and thinkings its not decent sound compared to tracks that inspire me:ermm:

yeh i no what you mean, really annoys me bcos i dont think any of my tunes sound like proper trance n house tunes yano? or maybe its just me:S

maybe the low bass is really compressed, like you can barely hear it unless u wer in a club. or maybe its just because u havent mastered you track yet? makes a huge difference i tink

Something you should try to get used to is using filters along with using a spectrum analyzer to find out the frequency that your kicks are hitting in. That way you can see where your bass should sit. You should try to avoid the bass hitting on the 1’s if at all possible. If you absolutely need to do it, you will need to sidechain. Now… if your kick is punchy and quick, then you can have a quick release on the compressor and the bass can come in right away. Now, if you have a deep 909 kick, and it resonates, you are gonna have to have a slower release so that you can give it time for the kick to fade out. I always have a quick attack, but I will adjust so that it sounds pleasant to my ears.

Use your ears and ye shall get to the promise land.

i was going to start another thread about this but seeing as howies brushed on it ill ask it here.

ok so they say if youre going to use a subby kick then roll off the low end in the bass and vice versa. now at what point (at what freq…) do you think is enough to roll off or TOO much rolled off…?   :expressionless:

The human ear can not hear below 20 hertz. The best club systems in the world can not produce sound below 40 hertz. Therefore, I like to roll off everything at about 50 hz or so. Just my personal preference. However, I will say this… If you don’t roll off your bottom end, it could be costly. Just because it hits at 60hz, doesn’t mean that there aren’t low harmonics too. Its always good to play it safe.

[quote]howiegroove (13/04/2010)[hr]The human ear can not hear below 20 hertz. The best club systems in the world can not produce sound below 40 hertz. Therefore, I like to roll off everything at about 50 hz or so. Just my personal preference. However, I will say this… If you don’t roll off your bottom end, it could be costly. Just because it hits at 60hz, doesn’t mean that there aren’t low harmonics too. Its always good to play it safe.[/quote]no what i meant was when making room for either the kcik or bass.  for example lets say we want the kick to be the bottom carrier and the bass above that. at what point would you say is too much or too little to roll off the bottom of the bass to allow them both to sit togetehr without the bass interfering (not enough) or sounding weak (too much)?


Use your ears. If you have a high frequency bass, roll off the lows and on the kick roll off the highs. That way you know there wont be any muddiness. You can also sidechain, and you can also just watch your pattern of your bass. There are so many factors involved. That’s why I just say to use your ears.

One more thing to do, is to throw a spectrum analyzer on the track to see where it is hitting. look at the first peak. That’s what you need to pay attention to. Everything else is harmonics.

thanks for the replys :cool:

do you an analizer thats built into your DAW or a plug in? i use Ableton Live but im not sure if it has anything like that built in ill have to look

yes, i use Lives’ spectral analyzer. Play with the settings to get the best visual for your eyes.

thanks howie.

ok heres a small sample,its nothing amazing,the bassline is just and offbeat,theres two basslines both the same only one has a high pass filter on it,this is basically where i think…naaaaa and delete it and im back to square one as it just sounds poor to me,i keep comparing to whats out there and maybe thats my problem:laugh:

anyway if anyone could just say YES thats not bad or NO sort it out that would be great,ive done it over and over with different kicks and bass samples etc and allways delete them in the end,when i listen to a few tracks i think THAT SOUNDS REALLY SIMPLE…but i still never manage to get it sounding right to me :unsure: