Hey just wondering if anyone can help me out trying to get a bassline similar to this wondering if anyone has any idea how it might have been made.
And the second thing with it is what side chain compression settings do you think are being used to get such a smooth fast sounding bassline I have played around with various settings for an hour or so and I cant seem to get it to compress the same always seems to harsh and not as smooth and fast, is abeltons compressor good for these type of basslines or is there a better side chain compressor for this kind of sound?
As always thanks for any advice/help
similar to what ?
First off there is no side chain compressor that will get a bass sounding, phat,round,warm,smooth etc. All that sidechain compression is, is a process that helps sounds that occupy the same range of the frequency spectrum, for example kick and bass to sit and gel well together in the mix.
Now alot of times you are going to need some higher quality compressors like the waves ssl stuff etc as apposed to the ableton compressor. I mean the ableton compressor is pretty good but alot of commercial basses you hear from say david guetta/swedish house mafia/armin etc will definately go through some expensive high end gear be it analogue or digital.
probably would help if I posted the link like i was ment to Stream Buzz - Josh Lang by Josh Lang | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
oh and jjdejong0 I understand that side chain compression doesnt make the bass any different to the original sound I know that it is ducking when say the kick hits if that is what it is sidechained my question is more aimed at in josh langs songs he seems to be able to get the sidechain sounding so fast and smooth and not matter how much I play with abeltons compressor I have just been unable to get something so smooth my basslines always seem to compress to hard or not compress enough or seem not as smooth so I just feel im abit stuck which is why I asked about it. I will look into the waves compressor thanks for your reply though
There is a trick you can use to make the sidechaining appear faster/smoother. If you just sidechain the lower frequencies of your bass, the ducking will be a lot less obvious, but still serve it’s purpose.
Check out the vengeance sound multiband sidechain plugin. It gives you alot of controle over the overall sound and quality of your sidechaining.
No need for a dedicated vst - it can be done easily just using racks in Ableton.
Yeah you can but it might be a bit more complicated to pull off, the vengeance side chain is really nice and it has some awesome presets too ideal for people starting out with sidechaining.
thanks guys I will have a look into your thoughts, these forums are the best would be lost without the help of everyone on the forum
Thanks again