Best way to layer sounds?

I did a basic search but couldnt find the answer im looking for. I keep reading and hear about layer, layer, layer. But I just cant get my stuff to layer right and if I do it does more harm than good. But without layer I can hear that my sounds are just not full enough and sound to bland. What can I do to layer better? any techniques that you guys use? also ill be the first to admit that I dont have the most trained ears.

When you layer sounds you want minimal overlap in frequency content.

You need to EQ or filter each sound, send them to a buss and add compression to help them sit together.

you need to use your ears when layering sounds, don’t just roll off frequencies at a set point, listen as you are eqing and you’ll hear the point at which you start taking away from the mix that is the point at which you need to back off a little.

I may sample the orignal layer 5 times and then slighty detune them and pan them suttlely plus all the previous posts