Bilderberg 2011 Discussions Leaked Via Moles Inside

Bilderberg 2011 Discussions Leaked Via Moles Inside.

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Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List

good post mate

Thanks for the knowledge

How come I never get an invite to these :frowning:

it got lost in the post.

well, in truth, I nicked it and went in your place. :cool:

…and wot you didn’t blow the fckers up

I’ll be expeting a knock on my door any moment with some nice gentleman offering me a free extended holiday in the south of Cuba any minute now :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]jonsloan (19/06/2011)[hr]it got lost in the post.

well, in truth, I nicked it and went in your place. :cool:[/quote]

M3 nuff said

ha ha. It was late I was tired and emotional - from the wine. :stuck_out_tongue:

bump up.

CrossTalk: Euro Brink

Check that out

I quite like watching Russia Today - sure it propaganda but good to see propaganda from a different point of view

Full support to the workers in Greece and full support for the 750,000 public workers going on strike here tomorrow

Yesterday I said I supported the Greek Workers on Strike

Today in the UK 750,000 Public Sector workers are on a 24 hour strike - biggest strike in years - full support again

Why is it that governments are not punishing the real people who got us in this mess

[quote]slender (30/06/2011)[hr]

Today in the UK 750,000 Public Sector workers are on a 24 hour strike - biggest strike in years - full support again

Why is it that governments are not punishing the real people who got us in this mess[/quote]


[quote]slender (30/06/2011)[hr]Yesterday I said I supported the Greek Workers on Strike

Today in the UK 750,000 Public Sector workers are on a 24 hour strike - biggest strike in years - full support again

Why is it that governments are not punishing the real people who got us in this mess[/quote]

The crooks are the government.They got to pig trough and steal the money.

Politicians are on banks payroll , banks have politicians in their pocket.

Banks and big corporations sponsor politics election riding’s.In return they receive what they want.Politicians vote in corporations and banks interest even if it’s immoral.

The debt is the scam so banks can enrich.The crisis is created so banks can enrich.

Cutting public jobs lands money to repay invisible scam debt.The bailouts are invisible money scam so banks can enrich.Libya is destroyed so banks move in with loans to help rebuild Libya and enslave them economically.Those who control the money/oil control the people.

Some news:


identify your enemies:



[url=]The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.




I hope people wake up on time, and not when its too late.

Ignoring issues and calling it conspiracy won’t help.

Global Control through the RFID Chip


