Bingo Players - Rattle (DjliciousBeatz Remix)**feedback please**

Hey guys, I’ve just finished remixing Bingo Players’ Rattle for the beatport remix comp, but before uploading I want to make sure it sounds alright. So any comments/feedback is appreciated, thanks :slight_smile:

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Goddamn! That’s some heavy ****. This is really good. Might have a winner here :smiley:

Besides that, you might have won the loudness war as well!

thanks for your comments man! I’ll make some minor changes and upload it today, whether I win or not I liked what I did and hopefully others like it too :slight_smile:

epic! wow dude really nice!

sounds very clear and BOOM:P

Actually enjoyed that more than the original…

The original can get annoying a bit, yours uses those annoying dutch synths without excess. Hate those synths though! Not yours, the dutch electro ones in general…

thanks for all the nice words :slight_smile: the voting has started today and if you’d like you can support me by voting my remix: