Don’t know how many of you ever been part, are should i say (tried too) become part of other forums etc and found the whole atmosphere to be hostile, negative and aggressive.
When i first started making electronic based music back when i was at school around the 2004-5 mark, i was really naive looking back at it, guess its a age thing too lol. I use to believe that everyone would try and help out each other with advice and you know give them a nudge in right direction, i knew from djing side that it wasint like this in that sector of music but when i turned to producing i couldnt believe the amount of negativity and hostility towards anyone that was starting to make there own music.
One of the saddest things about making music for me is the attitude of some of the so called ‘professionals’ that go on certain forums and slate peoples work and look down there noses at people who are in same place they where once in, like we all have been.
I love trance music, progressive music etc and the love of the music is what makes me produce my stuff but when i use to read forums with trance ‘names’ on them, it really put me off abit, i’m sure some of these people wouldnt say boo to a goose in a real lifer but hide behind a screen and know they would never see anyone face to face.
Anyway, to end a rant lol, until now over the time i have been producing ive tried really hard to become part of forums, communities on the net that can support each other and have a laugh along the way without getting down to abusive and ****ty comments about each other but always end up giving up because i cant stand the negativity of it, i get enough of that in life to start with.
From what i saw so far this is a smallish community at moment but will grow obviously fast right now and i hope it stays like it seems to be at moment, good atmosphere and no trolls or people who enjoy offending other people, basically i like the feel of the place
Rant over :hehe:
BTW i could give a particular name of one forum which is for trance, which is the worst offender of them all, but i wont so i dont start a slander war.
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell if someone is having a dig and being nasty or just trying to be honest in a good way when Reading text. But this community is great everyone tries to help everyone out and if s.a think someone is being nasty or vicious in their comments then they are warned and/or booted out. S.a work hard to keep a nice vibe on here as it’s a business not just any old forum
I have seen this on other forums and its normally only a few individuals that can ruin the vibe for everyone. Id love to hear some of the tracks these all knowing trolls are making to back up their condescending attitude.
It’s forum politics and although very annoying, it happens with EVERY forum once it becomes more popular. People group into ‘gangs’, mostly around elitism, ie: been a forum user longest / highest post counts / friends in real life, there for everyone else are inferior and must be slandered / abused.
I did see it happening with this forum at one point so I put up a post about it, but thankfully that ‘elitism’ crap has gone away and everyones calmed down again.
We have a good community here, everyone wants to help everyone out and if asked nicely, will even check out your track and give you some feedback/ thoughts, no question is too stupid, and on top of that, the tutors are always regular on the forums to help people out.
my guess is your talking about tranceaddict specifically.
just a guess cause i’m a trance guy myself.
i actually am a moderator on a number of sites & have ran/worked for a bunch of nightlife and dance communites over the past few years during my time as a promoter.
i find there are lots of people that visit these types of forums that really have nothing better to do with their time than troll and become forum a**holes. this is mostly due to the fact that they have either tried to produce or DJ and nobody likes them so they fail.
i think these trollers are the reason that guys like deadmau5 flips out in interviews.
now he is just at the point where he doesnt give a sh*t.
all of my friends who produce (signed to labels like Discover & Juicy Music) tell me the same thing. stay away from forums when asking people about your music. ask a friend or other like minded people. but dont post it up on a nightlife/dance forum and expect people to be respectful. It drags you & your name through the mud when you let them get to you. although I have shown my friends this site and they all said they were impressed with not just the content, but the level of quality from the forum posts.
haha well nobodys perfect, we’ve had our ups n downs on this forum, the main thing is it got resolved fairly quickly without the need for any bans (bar what like one guy? inchlo?).
Yeah i couldnt comment on what site(s) in particular i’m referring too but anyone whos been creating music longer then a couple years will all know what i’m talking about so isint a need.
But yeah i get what you all mean 100%, i think its not helped that i’m sometimes overly sensitive and never understand why or what people get out of acting like that but perhaps i never will.