Burn the Fire Records

Hey there,

Label questions again. So this time I’ve got a prospective deal with Burn the Fire Records, which is a lot bigger than Allusion. They’ve signed FTampa and Cold Blank, who I really like and whose style is similar to mine.

What have you guys heard? Yay? Nay? I always go to the SA peeps first. :wink:

Hey Flaxo, sorry while I haven’t heard of the label before (have heard of Cold Blank though so that’s probably a good sign, and apparently most of their songs are out on Burn the Fire) I’ve got a couple quick questions about demos and stuff for you if you don’t mind, since you’ve been doing so well lately :smiley:

When you send out demos and stuff like that, do you send them mastered, and as .mp3s or .wavs? Just one song at once, and addressed individually to each label right? And how long does it usually take to get a response?

Sorry about that, just really curious. And Cold Blank - Overdose is out on Burn The Fire and it has nearly 90,000 hits on youtube so that’s also a good sign.


I don’t want to sound like a twat but the first step is to make a kick-*** song. I never send the songs mastered though. The label knows what sounds bad because of crappy mixing/ideas/synthesis and what sounds bad because it’s not loud/punchy enough. And I always send mp3s. The trick is to imagine you’re a label manager. You probably get hundreds of these things in a week. So you’re not going to waste time downloading a 50 MB wav that may or may not be worth your time. And you’re also going to want to have some quick description to tell them what they’re in for.

And then just wait. If they didn’t like it, it’s not them, it’s you (sorry!). So fix the stuff that you hopefully realize isn’t working, and go on to the next one. Just don’t give up: for every 1 label that’s responded positively to me, I’ve had 4-5 never respond.

thanks, good advice. and no yeah I understand, you’re right, definitely going to try to get it perfect before sending anything out, but it’s good to have some tips and know what to send so it doesn’t waste anyone’s time.

cheers, let us know what happens with burn the fire.

The guys from Cold Blank run the label. They’ve been doing really well lately, but now there’s some kind of beef going on w/ the Plasmapool Record label that you should look into. Issues of exclusivity and such

Plasmapool vs Everyone

I recommend reading the comments–there’s some other links to the discussion/beef going on between the heads of the labels.

Just thought I’d give the heads up

wow, what a joke…

i love what big fish has on their facebook page…

“Go **** Yourself” plasmapool