Burnt hand

It was all planned.

Little lad with his grandparents. We were going out for the night to a birthday party.

Staying in a mates house. Went there b4 the party to drop our stuff… he was gonna drive us there.

All ok so far.

He has a stove… the ones with a glass door on the front.

Tripped… I was stone cold sober… and put my hand out to steady myself.


My whole hand around that fleshy part of your palm… is all blistered. Was only on the top of the stove for about 2 seconds.l So ****cing sore.


Came back home. Hand out the window all the way :hehe:

I’ve taken 10 neurofenn & solpahdine. 2 difine. Drank 1.2  A Bottle of jameson and 1.2 a bottle of limoncello & I’m now guzzling a bottle of iwhte wine.

runing my hand underthe cold tap every 10mins. AAAAAhhhhhjjjjggggh. Smoking loads of fags - wihsing that I had some fkn hash or weed or fkn something. LOL

Madness. Crazy how you planned for someting to be a certain why and the opposite to be the case. Life is a fkn mystery. Expect the unexpected People… Who knows whats  ahead

I’m planning on being up all night watching old WWII films… so if you wanna chat sh!te to a crazy person… hit me up :wink:


I’m not in my right mind - so apologies in advance.

Me & the cat are having a party.

Looking through one eye & blowing entire lungfulls of air out in a single breath… but my mind is still sharp as a razor.

Going to start plotting a graph:

X- Alcohol / Tablets.

Y - Mental sharpness.


Look forward to the executive summary :slight_smile:

Can you put your self portrait back up?   This new pic is creeping me out. 

That thing looks like it is getting ready to eat the baby.   :w00t::D:hehe::w00t:

Watching “The Longest Day”


How ironic - Click Click :slight_smile:

Never eat the baby Jay…

Send the message… use the babby as bait.

Get the gfamily involved & coax them into a trap.

Eat them.

All of them.

Yum Yum Yum Yium Yum :slight_smile:

Whatever it is you are on send me some.   :smiley:

If I could AND make money… I would :slight_smile:

Well I’m broke right now, but I am working on a trance tune and I will make sure a copy is in your stocking Christmas morning.  Will that work?   :D

With the friendliest & sincerest of wishes… please stuff it up your arse before you unlease it to the world (and me -Pretty please :slight_smile: ).

Trance is like kryptonite to me - no offence man :cool: :cool:

Just kidding.  I am not making any trance.  Sticking to harder edged stuff.

But if Santa likes trance you’ll be getting a lump of coal this year.  :hehe::smiley:

[quote]St.ICNholas (04/12/2011)[hr]

He has a stove… the ones with a glass door on the front.


Are you talking about a wood burning stove? Those things get very hot, my parents have one in their house and the thermometer on the front gets up to 340 C, that is the external temperature - the bit you put your hand on.

I hope you have been to the local hospital burns ward, I think it would be a really good idea.

It’s not the time for unfunny jokes but you need to get a grip :ermm: seriously if it’s that bad you should go to the hospital and get it checked out like ant said! :slight_smile:

Yeah, hands down that is the best course of action :laugh:

Yeah hospital is the only advice mate

Nobody likes going to the hospital, but you just have to grasp the nettle and get yourself down there.

I should stop now really.

i like the hospital…

if your hurt enough they give you vicodin:D

Slow hand clap for Ant

I gotta hold my hand up and admit I like morphine


No pain & no hangover… Double win.

Its gone a bit hard & reptile like… Will be grand. Dont think hospitall. Anyway… they shut down to local hospital. Would have to drive 1.5hrs.

Fk that :smiley:

Yeah - wouldnt be surprised about the temp ant. We have a wood burnng stove, but my mates one is 2nd hand & a bit fkd. ours never gets that hot on the outside.

I’d say if you had of stuck a kettle on top of it, it would have launched into the ceiling. Very lucky actually.

What a night :smiley:

LOL @ slow hand clap :hehe:

If it blisters then the burn has gone deep in to your skin and you really should see a doctor.