Hi, im thinking about buying an m-audio fast track pro to hook my virus b up to so i can use it in ableton, can anyone recommend good cables to connect the fast track pro to my krk rokit 5s with no buzz, hiss or any interference? Thanks
i'm going to go out on a limb here.
I bought a fast track pro when I first started like 5 months ago....
not a great piece of equipment. the price is OK and it technically works...
BUT there is a serious latency problem with the fast tracks.
it comes down to the Piece of Sh*t drivers that come with the fast track.
if you buy this.. you will eventually buy something like the focusriste saphire pro 24 because you will get pissed off at the fast track. i suggest looking for something better.
my 2 cents, but I did the same thing, so hopefully you will learn from my mistake.
m-audio fast track isn’t too great.
the Lexicon Omega is really powerful. and it works extremely well.
Has at least 8outputs. I think it’s made with Cubase/Steinberg. But compatible to any program, you don’t need any programs to install to use this.
The Omega I/O mixer provides 8 inputs that are assignable in pairs to any of 4 simultaneous record channels featuring ultratransparent, high-resolution analog-to-digital converters with 24-bit quality.
It also includes a fully opto-isolated MIDI input to ensure that there is no annoying ground loop hum or MIDI talk-through noise common with many I/O boxes and soundcards.
Hope this helps!!!