Can anyone help? traktor X1 effects

hi guys i am new to the forum and was wondering if anyone could help explain how to activate my effects on the traktor X1 in the chained mode seen on the video…i seem to have a problem as when i activate the FX on button i do not get the use of all three presets that come with the X1 which are delay, reverb and filter as shown in the tutorial video on this site, i only get the use of one effect at at time so in the effects drop down box located in the top left of the screen i can only see one effect and can not understand why? i do appologise if this seems a silly question but i am fairly new to using traktor and kontrol X1…any help would be appreciated


Lil :slight_smile:

reading the manual can do wonders :smiley:

just go to your settings, select effects in the menu to the left,

in the FX Panel Mode chose ‘Chained’ for FX1 and FX2 respectively, have a mix…and read the manual :stuck_out_tongue:

thankyou i have done what you said and it has worked, much appreciated my friend.