Can't access Sonic Insider content

I recently upgraded to Insider status and I am trying to find the videos / course materials. I can’t find them anywhere. Am I just a moron and/or looking in the wrong places? What should I be clicking on to get full access to the videos and download my original 2?

Any help that SA Support or other Insiders can provide would be greatly appreciated!

hey m8 under subscriber vids all content is there if you still cant access them email customer support theyre really quick :slight_smile:

When I try to access the videos under “Subscriber Videos”, the site explains to me all the great reasons I should pay for a subscription. It’s as if I don’t have a full membership or something… I emailed Support, but haven’t heard back. I also have been unable to download my two free courses. :frowning:

Hopefully I will hear back soon from support - thanks for your input.

same problem here, saying i havnt subscribed :s

hi guys

make sure you’re logged in

and just go to the subscriber videos section Top Left, Not subscriber Benefits!

I have tried going to “Subscriber Videos” - with the exception of the videos that are “Free to All”, I get the following message when clicking on the other videos:

“The videos below are for subscribers only - To find out how and why to become a subscriber click here!”

It happened to me too. You should have it resolved really quick, it was for me. Just send a PM to the admins.

I got it resolved. I think it was my own error in not understanding the way the site is set up. Once I understood that despite the fact that the video was “For Subscribers Only” I could still watch it, it all worked fine…

I’m not so quick sometimes :wink:

Its all good. Welcome to the site, and if you ever have any questions, just ask. There is a big sense of family on this forum for some reason.