Anyone care to explain the differences between the CDJ900 and the CDJ850?
The 850 has no slip mode, no link for library sharing, has less loop cutting options and an inferior sound card.
Plus the aesthetic silver and no tilted screen. Think there is less info on the screen too.
I’m guessing this is going to be ridiculously overpriced like the rest of their products too?!
[quote]Rob_E (12/07/2010)[hr]I’m guessing this is going to be ridiculously overpriced like the rest of their products too?![/quote]
Yep, around £800 each
I got my 900 brand new for over £150 less than the rrp so I could imagine the 850s going for £700ish in the more competitive places (like Decks or Westend DJ).
So they’re cheaper than the 850? That makes sense… not :doze:
Edited my last post for it to make more sense.
Oh I thought that the CDJ900 gave you 50 more awesome dj awersomeness points than the CDJ850
I would have said it does, apart from the fact I have to trapse mine all the way accross London, then have it sent off for 4-6 weeks to Pioneer, just to replace one of the bloody LED’s in the Buttons.