
So I changed my name the other day - I can log in under slender with no problems and can even watch the tutorials but if I try to post on 2 differnt PCs running Firefox/explorer i get told to log in again and still can not post

I have deleted cache/ cookies - refreshed, relogged in, sworn alot - now I am on another PC and it works fine (obviously) which is not ideal as this ain’t my pc

Any answers and you will be blessed

[quote]Nomad Spectrum (09/07/2010)[hr]So I changed my name the other day - I can log in under slender with no problems and can even watch the tutorials but if I try to post on 2 differnt PCs running Firefox/explorer i get told to log in again and still can not post

I have deleted cache/ cookies - refreshed, relogged in, sworn alot - now I am on another PC and it works fine (obviously) which is not ideal as this ain’t my pc

Any answers and you will be blessed[/quote]

Get a Mac - :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: - Ah no… Try Windows 7 Mate - Supposed to be great! LOL

Silly idea changing your name - :Whistling: :hehe:

[quote]ICN (09/07/2010)[hr][quote]Nomad Spectrum (09/07/2010)[hr]So I changed my name the other day - I can log in under slender with no problems and can even watch the tutorials but if I try to post on 2 differnt PCs running Firefox/explorer i get told to log in again and still can not post

I have deleted cache/ cookies - refreshed, relogged in, sworn alot - now I am on another PC and it works fine (obviously) which is not ideal as this ain’t my pc

Any answers and you will be blessed[/quote]

Get a Mac - :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: - Ah no… Try Windows 7 Mate - Supposed to be great! LOL

Silly idea changing your name - :Whistling: :hehe:[/quote]

Splendid idea fella I’ll just pop out and spend 4 grand on a equilivent mac so I can reply to your words of wisdom :stuck_out_tongue:

Put the old PC on its side & use it as a Coffee table.

Took me about a year to work out that the login for viewing the videos is seperate to the forum login.

That is to say that, as I type this the login box up top right is empty asking for username, yet the forum remains logged in.

The main site login seems to log you out fairly quick. to think all that time I wasted constantly logging in again and again…

Yeah Bang… Theres a bit to learning the ways of the W/site.

Maybe someone could do a Tut? LOL :slight_smile:

PM sent to Howie  :wink: :smiley:

I still can’t work it out I installed Opera on the laptop and still exactly the same - where on this PC I am not even logged in ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

You should have changed your name to Splenda

That would be cool…

[quote]howiegroove (09/07/2010)[hr]You should have changed your name to Splenda

That would be cool…[/quote]


[quote]howiegroove (09/07/2010)[hr]You should have changed your name to Splenda

That would be cool…[/quote]

I am sweet enough as I am thank you very much - still no joy though - maybe I should create another account just for spaming…coughs I mean for intelligent comments here on the forums for my laptop instead of stealing my mates PC

[quote]Nomad Spectrum (09/07/2010)[hr]So I changed my name the other day - I can log in under slender with no problems and can even watch the tutorials but if I try to post on 2 differnt PCs running Firefox/explorer i get told to log in again and still can not post

I have deleted cache/ cookies - refreshed, relogged in, sworn alot - now I am on another PC and it works fine (obviously) which is not ideal as this ain’t my pc

Any answers and you will be blessed[/quote]


you can’t change your username,

doing this changes the linking between your sonic account and your forum account,

you need to change your username back to “slender” in the forum account.

that will sort you out.!

Well… I changed my name from icn to ICN… Same letters obviously, so thats probably why it didn’t affect me.

Sorry about that - Slender / Splenda / Nomad Spectrum :Whistling: :wink: :slight_smile:

Nope that did not work either :frowning:

[quote]slender (10/07/2010)[hr]Nope that did not work either :([/quote]

Eh… Buy a Mac! LOL

Seriously - Really sorry Mate!

Serves me right trusting a ginger :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm and now it does

[quote]slender (10/07/2010)[hr]Hmm and now it does[/quote]

hi slender, if you want to change your name, drop me a PM or email me direct - bryan @